14 March 2011

Old Farts Surf Co Report on Snapper Rocks Quicksilver Pro 2011

(This guy couldn't stay on the wave)
Spot (OFSC No. 6) and the Mex (OFSC No. 4) covered the Quicksilver Pro 2011 event for the Old Farts Surf Co.  "We'd heard on the grapevine that there was something going on" said Mex, "so we decided to do some research on potential oldfartsurfer breaks."
(Crowd surfing)
"There was a huge crowd of people down at this little point break called Snapper Rocks yet there were only two surfers out" reported Spot, "it was probably something to do with the rocks and the shallow sand bank they were surfing over".  "That's probably it" said Mex, "there was a huge number of oldfartsurfers in the water down the point at a place they called Greenmount that had nice fat waves for them, so I reckon that's why the numbers were down at Snapper".
(Shallow sand and a fat lip kept the crowd down)
(This guy seemed to know what he was doing and stayed on the wave)
(Harry Houdini, disappeared and escaped)
(This guy called Mick, seemed to like the little ones further around the point)
(They set up a slalom course for this guy called Julian so he could weave amoungst the crowd
(Oldfartsurfer No. 10, Kelly, enjoys the fat part of the wave)
"There was one oldfartsurfer, a bald bloke called Kelly (Now OFSC No 10 AKA KS10), who had a bit of potential" said Mex,  "he caught a lot of waves, managed to get some shade under the fat lips, then he managed to ride them all the way down the point to link up with his oldfartsurfer mates at Greenmount where he switched stance to join in their fun".
(Oldfartsurfer No.10 hides under a fat sandy lip)
(Oldfartsurfer No.10, switches stance to join his oldfartsurfer mates down at Greenmount)
(Oldfartsurfers looking for nice fat waves should try down the point)
If you're an oldfartsurfer and want to surf this place the Mex and Spot advise you to try down the beach at Greenmount. The waves are fatter and there are more oldfartsurfers to share them with.
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