The legend has it that Rouge left his Proctors Road home without telling his mum he was going. He's not quite sure what year but it was some time around 1977 give or take a year. He had a scholarship to do a maths degree which he abandoned. Perhaps he just set off on a big adventure or perhaps he wanted to "find" himself, but all we know is that he travelled around Australia for about 5 years in various jobs, spent a night in the can and was in a band in WA that tried to move to Sydney for a big break but only half the band members made the trip across the continent. Eventually he settled down and finished that maths degree, married a wonderful lady and had two great kids. He now works for a bank in Sydney. 
(Mark and dog, They lived in a cave at the Bluff)
The other day Rouge sent through this great set of old photos from his journey of discovery along with a with a few words of explanation.
(A shot from the Mount)

This is Rouge's "history flashback" from a time when he was working at a mine somewhere in the West Australian desert.
"Winter, 1981 at the Red Bluff, north of Carnavon in W.A.
At the end of each night shift, we'd get a 4 day break. Nearest surf was 10 hours away. Mark Moore & I headed down to the Bluff for an unforgettable time. Photos say it all…this day was a classic, woke up early to find a crisp 4’ swell had arrived. Not more than 3 or 4 surfers camping so mostly had it to myself. Early morning session went down well. Quick bite to eat then back out. Swell obviously rising, now pushing 5’ - 6’. I owned a 7’ rounded pin Tern that I pulled out from time to time, and this day certainly called for it. Surfed my ring out. A few 8’ sets came through. Finally got out of the water exhausted after paddling into a few 8’ plus set. No one out now. Just a few guys sitting on the point watching the sets roll in."

Now. as the Legend has it, after leaving without saying goodbye, Rouge didn't contact his mum for several years. One day he rolled up to his old Proctors Road home, maybe expecting some fanfare for the return of the prodigal son, but all his mum could say was "you bastard".
(Early morning Red Bluff)

Althought they live in separate states, Rouge and his mum are are in regular contact, and the kids love their nan.
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