28 October 2009

Snail's Head Gets Barrelled

Oldfartsurfer, Snail, put on a champion performance at the mystical point on Sunday evening.  Many were calling it too difficult to ride and weren't brave enough to turn up.  However, when the Oldfartsurfer spied Snail ripping Japanese sea stars off the rocks he could tell that there was no stopping him.

(1. Snail takes off on a bomb)
Snail and the Oldfartsurfer watched a few go by and finally Snail said "that's it I've got to go out, its too perfect to resist".  So, with no one else brave enough to paddle out, the brave Snail paddled out alone.  The Oldfartsurfer raced back and got his camera to capture the moment.

(2. Snail then powers off the bottom)
Snail's weapon of choice was his Kevin 09 stimulus model, chosen for its ability to hold a line and stay on message.

(3. Snail powers off the top)
Fresh from a recent trip to Hawaii, Snail was fit and in tune with the bigger waves. 

(4. Snail powers, trims and sets up for the barrel while two birds look on)

(5. Snails head gets barrelled)
"I manaaged to get the barrel of the day" said Snail, "I was really proud that I could bend my 54 y.o. knees and crouch in the pocket" he said after completely losing his head under the curtain.

(6. Snail finishes off with a layback cutback)
The Olfartsurfer said, "I thought it was one of the most inspiring paddle outs I've seen.  There's not many others who would have paddled out in those conditions."

25 October 2009

The Craic is Christened

The Mastersurfcraftsman, The Dude, has finally named and christened his original 6'8" hollow timber fish "The Craic".  Regular followers of this story will remember that, for the lack of a better name, The Oldfartsurfer had unofficially and without any originality called the board The Dude board after its creator.  "Naming rights go to the creator" said the Oldfartsurfer "and I apologise for the liberties taken in prematurely naming this icon of the surfing world." he went on and on.

(The Dude and The Craic)
In a secret naming cememony, The Craic was offered as one of Huey's children.  Huey threw down a couple of lightning bolts and thundered "Nah - keep it Dude".  The Dude was thankful, telling Huey he promised not to curse him next time he had to wait more than 2 hours for a set.

(Nice bottom - The Craic was nearly named Juanita)
The Young Dude and The Mexican witnessed the ceremony and Huey was omnipresent.  "Its like having a new brother in the family" said Young Dude. "I hope the old fart gives me a crack on The Craic" he said hopefully.  Old Farts Surf Co. Head Honcho, The Mexican, said "this is a historic moment moment in the development of the Old Fart Surf Co. community."

(Beautifully crafted timber fins on The Craic)
The Dude told the legendary story of the creation of The Craic.  The Young Dude, The Mexican and Huey were spellbound as the Dude described every piece of timber glued and shaving taken and how they all came together in perfect harmony as The Craic.  He described "the magic as it took off under his feet on the first ride in 1' slop".

(The classic "crack" in The Craic)
Several pints of Guiness were drunk to honour The Craic and its creator.

18 October 2009

The Mexican Tirumphs for Spanish Fans

When the Mexican paddled out for the final of The fourth round of the Splinter Group World Series Surfing Championship he didn't know that members of his ever growing Spanish fan base were in the crowd to cheer him on.  The event was held in a remote secret location on an island a long way from Spain.  "I couldn't believe the effort and expense that the co-Head Honchos of the Spanish Mexican Fan Club, Juan and Juanita, went to to be here and root for me:"  said the Mexican.

(The surf on the final day of the fourth round)
The event was eventually won by the Mexican in controversial circumstances.  Some oldfartsurfer turned up late and absolutely dominated the surfing but all in vain as he wasn't riding the requisite Old Farts Surf Co. Hollow Timber Surfboard hand made by the mastersurfcraftsman, The Dude.  Initially dejected, the old fart was consoled by Juanita.  "I'd do anything to keep this event a joyous occassion just like our festivals in Spain" said Juanita.  "I didn't want anything to spoil the mood on the beach and detract from The Mexican's triumph" she said as she wrapped the dejected old fart within the warm folds of her poncho.  "At least she didn't throw tomoatoes at me" grumbled the old fart.

(The dejected old fart surfer soon to be consoled within the folds of Juanita's poncho)
The final of the event was held in clean conditions and, as has so often been the case, tthe final was a showdown between The Mexican and his Old Farts Surf Co. stable mate, The Dude.  "These guys really are masters of their hollow timber surfboard's" said the visiting Juan.  "They have taken hollow timber surfboard surfing to new levels of performance" he went on.

(Clean conditions for the final)
Juan said "ever since The Dude and The Good Woman came to Spain looking for sites for the Splinter Group to hold their world series surfing competitions we have been saving our Euro's to make the trip to the first event we could get to and see The Mexican surf.  He has been a legend in Spain ever since Cortez conquered the Incas" he said with a smile "and finally I have seen him surf in the flesh".

(Juanita: "psst Juan ... do you think my ass looks big in this poncho"
The visiting fans were surprised by the cool temperature.  "I brought my special Basque bikini to wear for the Mexican"  said a goose bumped Juanita.  "Fortunately I also brought my poncho so I could wear the bikini without getting too cold."  she said faking a coy smile.  "I was so honoured to comfort a dejected old fart surfer.  I wish it was the Mexican but he won and so wasn't dejected and that is far more important to me".

(High performance on finals day)

(Dramatic back drop on the secret island)

(Juan: "Si Juanita it is very cold but the poncho isn't big enough to cover your ass")

In his victory speech The Mexican espoused his theory of "surfing's original roots being in Spain, not Hawaii as often thought, and likened modern day big wave surfers to the early matadors, teasing, ducking and weaving around a lip as if it were a bulls horns".  "The Spanish took surfing to the New World in the Americas and, as Thor Hiedal proved, after leaning to surf from the Spaniards, the indans took surfing to the polynesian islands in huge grass SUPs to escape their conquorers" said the Mex.  The Mexican's Spanish fan base around the world has praised this theory.  "We always knew there was a connection and the Mex has shown us the way" said Juan.

(Juanita: "Si Juan, but do you think Mex will like my poncho")
(Some hot action on finals day)

(Juanita: "Ola Mexican")

12 October 2009

Soul Arch from the Soul Man

The final of third round of the Old Farts Surf Co. (OFSC) Splinter Group World Surfing Tour took place in grey conditions on various fat peaks up and down the beach. 

(Chip off the old block, The Young Dude rides his Old Farts Surf Co. 6'6" Hollow Timber Surfboard hand made by the mastersurfcraftsman, the Dude, in an earlier qualifying round)

OFSC Head Honcho (HH), the Mex, tested the conditions the day before in blue skies and consistent 2'-3' with lefts and righs at the northern end of the beach.  "I surfed myself out in an hour" said the Mex, "got heaps of waves and really got the hollow timber 6'8" gun flying on one two footer, but finally had to seccumb to bowel pressure and head back to the HH thrown"

Finals day had a weird swell, the surf report said you could paddle out with dry hair then spend 10 min getting smashed..  The Dude said "we spied a couple of good waves and paddled out only to wait for 3 hours before realising it was a freak set" .  The finalists - the Dude and the Mex then paddled up and down the beach looking for luck.  "Waves were breaking all around me but there was no defined peak and it was horribly frustrating." 

(The Mexican in an earlier qualifying round of the Old Farts Surf Co. Splinter Group World Tour on his prototype 6'8" rounded pin)

Finally a bomb came through and the Dude was in the right spot while the poor Mexicn was paddling out after another disapointing wave.  The Dude eased into the unusually steep take off on his 6'8" hollow timber fish as the wave walled up in front of him.  "I spied the Mex paddling out and new I had to do something really special to win so I laid the fat fish on its rail and arched my back and pulled a massive soul arch bottom turn just before the oldfartsurfer duck dived.  It felt good and I could hear the crowd on the beach hooting.  I think pulling a move like that in front of Mex really demoralised him.  The heat moved up the beach to a left and he made a bit of a come back but the most hoots wins the day"

The Mex was gracious in defeat and said "surfing hollow timber surfboards made by the Dude was the winner today."  "I wish we had some photos of that soul arch to show the fans but its etched in my mind, and nearly my head, forever.  It was just like some old photo of Peter Townend in Hawaii I saw years ago.  The Dude is really the soul man, the heart and soul of hollow timber surfboards and getting them to go" said the HH.

The Dude is the tour leader with two wins.  He had a second round win after Macho man was disqualified for not riding the requisite Old Farts Surf Co. hollow timber surfboard.

Order Your Old Farts Surf Co. Hollow Timber Surfboard handcrafted by the Mastersurfcraftsman Link