The boys finding it a bit tricky getting over the reef while one of their mates, Greg, snags a nice left in front of them. A few good men went over the falls this day.
You would think that the life of a surf guide at Samoan surf resort, Sa'Moana, would be the ideal job. But not according to legendary Sa'Moana surf guide, Brookie (pictured below). "I had a better lifestyle renting out my Sunshine Coast house and living in Sumatra surfing perfect waves every day on $25 a week claimed the legend. Perhaps the perfect surf life style has a downside - it could get boring, although I'd like to try it first. Like people say having a lot of money doesn't make you happy but I'd like to try that first too. Anyway, according to Brookie he is only doing this for a year as a "favour" to the resort managers when the last guide quit.
Now Brookie is a legend, on my first day at the resort, for the price of a "tally", he fixed my board after the baggage handlers had done their best to smash the nose and the tail. He timed the resin hardening process by using a glass of beer like an egg timer, when the beer was half empty it was time to cut away the excess resin before it went too hard. He had a wealth of tales and experience of surf from Hawaii, to California, to Mexico, Europe and throughout Indonesia.
The next time we surfed Missions the I surfed a little peak in the middle of the bay called "Sunset" (pictured above) on account that it had a shifting peak and could hold up to 12' just like its Hawaiian namesake. While I did this with the Andrews, Brookie strung up a hammock (below) between two coconut palms and had himself a nap as the surf wasn't up to his high standars.
Returning to the resort, Brookie took the boys to some waterfalls for some refreshing fun. He was first to jump from the top to show the boys where to go and what rocks to miss. He waited at the bottom (below) to egg us on (but not to much pressure) 
I also had a crack at another waterfall just upstream and managed to touch to bottom when I landed (below).
The Mex reckons that there is no one more deserving of oldfartsurfer status than Brookie. He has had dedicated a life time of grommethood at the age of 48 is still a "frothing". A true oldfartsurfer legend.
On the first morning, the SE Trade Winds were blowing too hard so he woke us at 4:30 am for a quick breakie and then a 2 hour van trip to a remote sheltered spot at the NE tip of the island of Upolu. There were 4 of us, two mates called Andrew, Brookie and I. The Andrews surfed a little river mouth while I went with Brookie to explore a place known as Missions. It was called missions because it was a mission to get there. Not only had we driven 2 hours but we had to walk along the beach, through the jungle then paddle 600 long strokes across a deep bay to the break on the other side. The break was a bit on the small size this day but the setting was so beautiful it was surreal. There was a beautiful coral reef which was alive with fish and the bay was lined with steep volcanic hills densely covered in tropical foliage and no sign of another human. It was a great experience, although a little nervous, paddling across the bay and stopping to chat with Brookie every 200 strokes.
Pretty soon, all the boys had a go, the key was to land in the bubbles at the base of the falls as that was the deepest part.
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