29 June 2012

Heartwood is Worlds Best Whisky

The Oldfartsurfer was dragged (kicking and screaming) off to Lark Distillery tonight by Super Supper Fran, OFSC No. 69, to catch up with her husband /master distiller Tim and move on to a book launch.  Being a literary wannabe and connoisseur of fine whiskey, the Oldfarsurfer was easily tempted.
(no, that's Fran's knee)
(yes, that's an OFSC bucket hat in Fiji)
On arrival the Oldfartsurfer was plied with a cask strength Laphroaig by the master distiller and asked "do you like my web site?".  Well, embarrassed, all the Oldfartsurfer could say "what web site?", but not to be completedly embarrassed he replied "But do you like my web site?"  Inconceivably, Tim, the master distiller had not heard of the Old Farts Surf Co. Web site, even though he had been photographed in Fiji wearing an Old Farts Surf Co. bucket hat.
The web  site that the master distiller was talking about was for his own whiskey, Heartwood, the worlds best whiskey, sampled by Spot and the Mexican before  Spot (OFSC No. 6) moved to Canuckland to join Moose (OFSC No. 5).  Readers would be pleased to know that the Oldfartsurfer reached a gentleman's agreement with the master distiller that mutual links to web sites would be created.  We look forward to seeing the Old Farts Surf Co. referenced and linked from the heartwood site in the future.
For those avid readers with a literary interested, the book launch turned out to be a picture book called "Bloom".  There were no words in it.
(Fran's new hair)


Anonymous said...

From what I hear the tasting started out well enough, but soon turned into a gibbering mess where simpul werds bceme hardd two undrsntnd and vishun wuz blurrie and nxt thinng u no et wuz imposibul to stnd up strait
p.s. luv the tina turner luk alik

Oldfartsurfer said...

Was that Ike under the hat, lurking in the shadow.