(OFSC Bucket Hat Tim wore to PB's house in the Vat(ican))
According to OFSC Head Honcho, The Mexican, "we got the news late yesterday and oldfartsurfers around the world are rejoicing with their favourite Heartwood release and getting Velvet Hammered". To mark this special event Heartwood have Unchained and Released Convicts.According master distiller Tim "it was pretty simple really, I just rocked up and had a bit of a chat with Bene (or PB as I call him) and let him know I'd released the Vat(ican) out of Hell, he was pretty keen on getting his hands on bottle no. 666 of Release the Beast, but we didn't go that far so in true papal style he settled on the Convict Redemption".
(Four leaf coven picked in Ireland)
The Mex said "there was a rumour the four leaf coven our distiller picked up on the preceding spirit(ual) tour Ireland may have had some influence on PB's decision, but he was Pretty Mums on this. As they say, what happens on tour .."