29 August 2009
It Goes - The Mexican Sea Trials a Resounding Success
27 August 2009
Prototype Ready for Sea Trials
23 August 2009
Fin Fixing Ceremony Finishes with a Stomp
The Dude Avoids Mortgage Foreclosure - Sells Wife Instead
Its hard to imagine the positive affect that the sight of an inanimate object can have on a surf community. The original Dude Board by the mastersurfcraftsman, The Dude, is making waves of happiness around the local breaks. When the Dude Board turns up at a local break it puts smiles on dials and a buzz of conversation spreads across crowded peaks as everyone wants to check out this unique surfcraft. Whispers spread down the beach and surfers start paddling over for a chat. The Dude said "sometimes I just have to paddle down the beach to spread the crowd and give the guys a go, but is good having a great old chat." "Most guys want to know how it was made, how long it took and how it performs, there is genuine interest".
Long time surf buddy, and Old Farts Surf Co. Head Honcho, the Mexican said "the Dude is a friendly guy , even without his eye catching hollow wooden retro fish, he makes a lot of friends in the lineup." "On a recent trip to Bali the Dude had us amazed after each session with what he knew about everyone else in the line up who previously had been total strangers" said the Mex, "and that was without his Dude board, a true sign of a genuinely nice fellow".
The Mex believes that "the 6'8" hollow timber retro fish is a happy shape, it is not threatening or unfriendly in any way and the warm timber colours evoke calmness in the lineup." When the crowd see an old fart with a fat wooden fish turn up at the break the crowd probably doesn't anticipate an aggressive wave hog is about to join the pack.
(The "happy shape" of the 6'8" retro fish.)
Some unkind people are a little cynical, saying the Dude only makes friends to put them off guard so he can get more waves and avoid retribution when he drops in, however, according to the Mex they are "just twisted and bitter and too afraid to have their names in print."
Hollow timber surfboards aren't cheap, even when you make them yourself. Very few people possess the craftsmanship and are dedicated to put in the hours needed to create these beautiful surfcraft. This is generally recognised by the surf community who are generally in awe of mastersurfcraftsmen like the Dude. Last weekend the Dude was asked by one of his new mates in the lineup "did you have to sell yer wife to afford that?". This new friend obviously knew the value of the board, but sadly didn't know how true his words could be if the Dude or any other surfer was confronted with the choice of selling their wife or foreclosing on their mortgage, They certainly wouldn't sell their hollow wooden surfboard.
16 August 2009
Rouge to Join Splinter Group
12 August 2009
Daughter Takes Old Fart Hammy to Secret Spot

02 August 2009
Spain Welcomes OFSC Splinter Group World Tour, The Dude Heads to Spain to Negotiate Deal
The Craft, How Much Fun Can You Have on a Plank.
01 August 2009
Old Farts Surf Co Splinter Group to Rival ASP World Tour
Photo above: The Mexican Prototype nearly ready for Splinter Group competition.
"I picked up a six pack of this new beer called Bee Sting to take up to the hallowed shaping bay for a board meeting with The Dude" said the HH. "It wasn't a bad drop, a bit over chilled, but the flavour came out by the third bottle" commented The Dude with a knowing nod of the head. The Young Dude compared it to nectar of the gods, but he'd been to the pub on the way to the Board meeting and his taste buds had bloomed earlier. The Board meeting was held specifically to discuss what the OFSC would do in the face of yesterday's announcement of Slater's rebel group. "In this surf industry with cut throat corporate strategy we have to be decisive in order to survive" said the HH. "We are going to beat Slater's rebel group to market and have the first event within a month."